Thursday, March 14, 2013

Significant changes to Visitor and Medical Treatment Visas

From 23 March 2013 the government intends to introduce significant changes to the Visitor and Medical Treatment visas. 

New applications will not be accepted for the following visas:

•Tourist visa (subclass 676)
•Sponsored family visitor visa (subclass 679)
•Business (short Stay) visa (Subclass 456)
•Sponsored business visitor (short stay) visa (subclass 459)
•Medical Treatment (short stay) visa (subclass 675)
•Medical Treatment (long stay) visa (subclass 685)
•Electronic Travel Authority (visitor) (subclass 976)
•Electronic Travel Authority (business – short validity) (subclass 977)
•Electronic Travel Authority (business – long validity) (subclass 956).

You may qualify for one of the following five visa subclasses below:

- Temporary work (short stay activity) visa (subclass 400)
- Visitor visa (subclass 600)
- Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601)
- Medical Treatment visa (subclass 602)
- eVisitor (subclass 651)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Visa cancellation - Part 1. Incorrect information and bogus documents (s 109 Migration Act 1958)

UK man pleaded guilty in Sydney to multiple counts of immigration fraud involving his entry and stay in Australia under false identities.
According to Department of Immigration the man obtained permanent residence by providing false information to the department, used false identities to travel into and out of Australia over the past decade, and fraudulently applied for an Australian passport to facilitate further travel.
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship has, under the Migration Act 1958, various powers to cancel visas for certain prescribed reasons. The powers to cancel a visa include -
s109: cancellation of any visa for providing bogus documents or incorrect information
s116: cancellation for, among other things, failure to comply with conditions
s134: cancellation of business skills visas
s137J:automatic cancellation of student visas
s501: cancellation on character and other public interest grounds
The Minister for Immigration may cancel your visa if you provided false information or false or bogus documents in your visa application. The power to cancel a visa under section 109 arises when the Department of Immigration  and Citizenship believes you -
- did not answer or incorrectly answered questions on your passenger card or visa application form,
- provided a false document or bogus document to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship,
- did not advise the Department of Immigration and Citizenship that answers or information given in a visa application, due to a change in circumstances, are no longer correct or were incorrect at the time they were provided.
The fact that you did not know that the information was incorrect or the document was bogus does not mean your visa will not be cancelled but is a relevant consideration going to the decision by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to cancel your visa or not.
It is important to be aware that if your visa is cancelled, your dependent’s visas are also cancelled.
The effects of having a visa cancelled can include restriction on further visa applications lodged within Australia or outside Australia, difficulty in obtaining future visas and deportation. 
The cancellation power under s109 is discretionary, unless the Regulations prescribe circumstances where cancellation is mandatory and may be exercised only after certain procedural requirements are met.

If you have received a decision cancelling your visa, or a notice of intention to consider cancellation, then CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY as delay may mean you lose the opportunity to have your visa reinstated. We have excellent knowledge of the cancellation provisions and policy regarding notice of intent to cancel, cancellation and appeal.

Monday, January 14, 2013

South Australia State Migration Plan Update - 11 January 2013

A revised State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL) for South Australia has been released on the Immigration SA website.

Thirty-three occupations have been added to the SNOL and some occupations previously on the SNOL have been changed to the off-list criteria. There have also been changes to the additional state nomination requirements for some occupations on the SNOL. 

The occupations most recently added to the SNOL are as follows: 

Production Manager (Forestry)
Child Care centre manager
ICT Project Manager
ICT Managers, nec
Specialist Managers nec
Hair or Beauty Salon Manager
Fleet Manager
Facilities Manager
Management Consultant
Organisation and Methods Analyst
ICT Business Development Manager
Agricultural scientist
Conservation Officer
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Research Scientist
Early childhood (pre-primary school) teacher
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Complementary Health Therapists nec
Medical Oncologist
Thoracic medicine specialist
Nurse Educator
Nurse Manager
Web Developer
Building Associate
Construction Estimator
Maintenance Planner
Cabler (Data and Telecommunications)
Enrolled Nurse
Production Manager (Forestry)
Child Care centre manager
ICT Project Manager
ICT Managers, nec
Specialist Managers nec
Hair or Beauty Salon Manager
Fleet Manager
Facilities Manager
Management Consultant
Organisation and Methods Analyst
ICT Business Development Manager
Agricultural scientist
Conservation Officer
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Research Scientist
Early childhood (pre-primary school) teacher
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Complementary Health Therapists nec
Medical Oncologist
Thoracic medicine specialist
Nurse Educator
Nurse Manager
Web Developer
Building Associate
Construction Estimator
Maintenance Planner
Cabler (Data and Telecommunications)
Enrolled Nurse

Click HERE to view the occupational availability, IELTS requirements, the list of occupations available for Off-List nomination and any additional requirements that apply to the revised State Nomination Occupation List.

 All applications submitted from 11 January 2013 will need to meet all occupation requirements published on the revised SNOL, as well as all requirements and criteria for state nomination. Click HERE to view the requirements and criteria for state nomination.

Benefits of South Australia State Nomination

South Australia is a great place to live and work.

The benefits of the state nomination include:

1. Bonus points. You will receive additional points towards the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) points test. If you're applying for a permanent visa you will receive 5 points for state nomination and if you are applying for a provisional visa you will receive 10 points.

2. You can live anywhere in South Australia. The whole of South Australia including Adelaide is classed as regional area.

3. Greater choice of occupations. You can choose from much more occupations than applicants pursuing the independent GSM pathway.

4. Priority visa processing. Your Expression of Interest (EOI) will be immediately selected and you will receive an invitation from the Department of Immigration to apply.

If you are considering to live and work in South Australia an email enquiry or a face-to-face consultation is an excellent way to obtain initial advice on your situation.

After receiving our detailed initial advice you will have a very good idea of the options available to you, as well as the pros and cons of each.



Saturday, September 29, 2012

Do you want to work and live in Australia?

Are you under 31?
Do you have competent English?
Did you completed your degree in Engineering at a recognised institution in the last two years?
If yes, then the
Skilled – Recognised Graduate visa is the perfect solution
if you have ever wanted
to live and work in Australia.
This visa allows recent graduates of selected overseas universities to gain up to 18 months of skilled work experience in occupations in demand in Australia.
As a holder of this visa, you may apply for permanent residence at any time if you are able to meet the passmark on the General Skilled Migration points test.
Find out if you qualify and what does this visa let you do!

Proposed changes to visa label regime

Visa labels in particular, have not been required in Australia for some time. Labels are no longer routinely printed and physically placed in passports. Instead, online checking provides more timely and secure information as to the entitlements of a visa holder.

In late 2012, subject to legislative approval, the department expects to implement a charge of AUD70 for this discretionary service. 

Australia bound international commercial airlines and cruise ships verify with Australian authorities that passengers have an Australian visa before they travel to Australia. This verification is conducted through the electronic travel systems, generally at the time of issuing a boarding pass.

Australia does not require you to have a visa label in your passport to remain in or enter Australia, however, if you intend traveling though any country which may require you to have an Australian visa label or stamp in your passport, we recommend that you get a visa label in your passport.

Dealing with an immigration expert can save you a significant amount of time and money, as well as give you peace of mind that your immigration matter is being handled by real professionals. It can also make all the difference between success and failure in obtaining an Australian visa.

The best way for you to ensure the success of your application is to appoint VisaMagnet as your migration agent for preparation and lodgment  of your application.

Click HERE to attend our FREE IMMIGRATION WEBINARS or contact us for immigration advice today!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

GSM Points Test legislation. Find out if you qualify!

New migration legislation received Royal Assent and has been published on Comlaw. The amendments implement a new methodology of selecting skilled migrants known as ‘SkillSelect’, by harmonising skill requirements across skilled visa subclasses and introducing an invitation requirement for some key visas.  The amendments also progress the Government’s simplification and deregulation agenda, by introducing seven new visas in a revised structure incorporating the concept of ‘streams’ within subclasses.

Looking for Advice on Your Visa Pathway?

We will be pleased to have a free initial discussion with you, to confirm your visa options and how we might help.

Anna Dobos MARN 1067498 is an immigration and skills assessment pro - a migration agent who delivers effective strategies and results to people considering work, migrate or study in Australia.

As a migration consultant, Anna will talk to you about your migration goals and how to make it happen.

Find out how Visamagnet can help you in a free, 20-minute strategy session.

Call our Migration Hotline +61 8 6316 4530 now or email your resume to